Westboro Babtist at OZ

Laughing at Hate Speech

The world has turned upside down. Peaceful protest, ugly and hateful as it is, has been given legal status. People receive compensation for hurt feelings, excessive compensation. I grieve for the families of the fallen. I detest those who use the opportunity to spread their hurtful views. But I would defend the idiots right to say whatever they want to say, using whatever imagery or symbols they want, so long as it is regulated as to time, place, and orderliness.

They came to North Pleasant Street after Hillell at UVM and the Chabad. Rabbi Chassen didn’t want the congregation to confront them. His call. But he couldn’t keep the clowns or the counter demonstrators away. Even my blind friend Stan, a member of the Shul’s Board came with his dog, Ernie. They blocked the hate.

Stan and Ernie

The Westboro people had signs. Big deal. They prayed for our souls. We prayed for peace. Their message hurt my feelings, for sure, but who would sue to assuage the pain? And, the sixth amendment aside, for a second, except for the jury provision, who would trust a jury in a case like this. Too personal and subjective, don’ you think?

Others brought signs, opposing them. The cops watched. Sure, you wanted to confront them. You wanted them to be somewhere else. You wanted to move them, off the earth, if you could. But they have rights, too, even if they exercise them in an offensive manner.

Millions have died in the name of God. Would anyone believe that if you could have a conversation with God, God would prefer one group over another? I sound like a child, I know. But for me, God helps me understand what I cannot know for sure. So I don’t need God to tell me anything about them, except that they can do whatever they want and believe whatever they want to believe, as long as it don’t directly stop me from doing what I want to do or from believing whatever I want to believe.

Author: duckshots

Lapsed lawyer. Reader. Photographer. Jewish. Strongly attached to loving, caring, wife-Sharon. Working at remaining relevant. Hoping that my body and mind outlive my dreams. Maybe something I blog will make some sense.

2 thoughts on “Westboro Babtist at OZ”

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