Highland Cemetery, Greenfield MA


Beck’s grave. A gnome with a shovel on a gravestone.

Mathey served as a fireman, though I thought the hydrant might have been a symbol that he liked to walk his dog.

Meriott hunted.

Conant lived here.

What anniversary? Put a photo on a grave? Not mine. But, perhaps, there should be a link to a web page with more images of them, so we could see them in real life.



Hope Cemetery and Its Vehicles

The Pharaohs had boats to take them to the Netherworld. Some at Hope Cemetery have their lives as drivers recognized in death. Another must have liked to drive while listening to music. One has the car ready to drive the causeway to heaven. The graphics and sculptures make going to graveyards uplifting and interesting. All the dead have stories, but few have illustrations that hint of their lives. The addition of images gives those who didn’t know the person interred a hint as to their backgrounds and reminds those who do of something of importance to their loved one which they adorned to the grave in what must have been an act of love.

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