James Kitchen, Sculptor for Stavros


Stavros works with people with disabilities, finding them residences, services and anything that can make their lives more liveable and life’s equipment more accessible. James Kitchen who uses discarded materials for his works and donates proceeds to endless causes built this to provide imagery for Stavros. An artist cannot do better than when their art promotes social justice.

John Evers, Attorney at Law

Of Counsel to O’Neill, Kelner and Green in Burlington VT, Jon Evers thrives as a traditional barrister. He loves the drama of the old time courtroom and the challenge of using modern computer interfaces to make facts easier to present and arguments more persuasive. He has looks, smarts, and ingenuity. Were he a baseball player, you’d say he has all the tools.

Franklin County Emergency Shelter

So, we heard that the shelter in Springfield ran out of food. The shelter near our apartment in Greenfield isn’t doing so badly but could always use some of everything. Whaddaya need? Juice, oil, towels, etc. So, we brought them the above and three pizza and some soda. Got thanks we didn’t deserve. Thank you for the chance to meet and talk.

You gotta believe how hard it is to get a job that offers some future. People don’t choose to live in these group homes. Getting out of them is a challenge.

Ian Senior-Amherst Street-Tom Bookstore

Some days you do and some days you don’t. Cannot predict what the shoots entail or how you feel about them or yourself when you finish. Different subjects create different emotions and require different skills. One in a studio. One on the street. One in a store.



Lorin Duckman at 65

So, here I am, 65 years old, wondering what the end game will bring. Taking a hard look at myself in the camera, feeling the cold pain of my failures and the warm glow of the successes. Recently celebrated my 29th Anniversary with Sharon. Still not enough years to know her well, yet alone myself. Starting a new career in art and photography. Who knows?

McCaffrey’s In Burlington’s Old North End

How many people can say that when they take their car in for service and the service manager says you need a new one of these and a new one of these, you actually believe him and order the parts? How many of you can say that when you take the car in and they say they have repaired it, that you think the car is going to be fine and the cost was fair? And, how many of you go to a place where if it isn’t they make it right? Well, I can.

Rodney King Dead

Rodney King died before he turned 50. His beating, painful as it was, followed by the acquittal and subsequent riots, promoted awareness of racial inequities in our country. Too bad we need chaos to promote learning, not only about ourselves, but the national ethos we support.

Would have liked to see him beat the demons and survive. The great experiment in which America has been engaged suffered a setback when Mr. King became ten-minutes-famous, but it advanced as people who never thought about the problems realized how deep and pervasive they were and are.


Bostrom Family Portrait

Not so easy to shoot a portrait of a family in their residence. People have stuff to do. Dad has to hay. Kids have to play. And Mom, who has a responsible job outside the home, has to drive the kids to Brattleboro so the grandparents can take them to Connecticut for a short vacation. Cannot stay too long. Have to keep the camera and the models focused. Rearrange the furniture. Set up the lights. Meter. Color card. Shoot. And get out. It always helps if the family wants to be photographed and if they are sweethearts. You can see from the expressions they like to be together and that they are a family.