Chanukah Latke Adventure

My Potato Head, Frenchy, Monsieur Pommes Frites, Pomme de Terre Tête controls Hanukah at Duckpond. He supervises the LATKES from start to finish. Then …

So, when I opened the bag of potatoes and he saw potato blight, he went nuts. These potatoes could not be grated. They were soft and mushy. He went nutsy cuckoo.

Off to Publix. With many watching, he wandered into the potato bin and made his selections. He felt them and talked with a few. I had the charge card.

Signed, sealed and delivered. I paid. I carried him. I carried the precious cargo: the potatoes.

What a happy camper. He was ready. Add a menorah, a dreidel, and some chanukah gelt and we were ready. Then he did a “ready for my closeup, Mr. Demille.”

Happy Chanukah.


Trump’s Ignorance

What a waste of a human being Donald Trump is. He still has supporters, haters all in their own little way. He wants US to die, so he and his buddies can have more and more and more and more easily recognize each other, because who remains will be white and not old.

His latest solution for a Covid-19 cure is right on your kitchen counter and can be combined with two previous suggestions. I don’t want you doing it. Maybe he will, using Jared or the Baron as test subjects.

First, write out a will using a bleach pen and write your name down on your forehead. Inhale a little in each nostril to get you going. Drink a little Fantastic, after spraying it on your clothes, removing any dirt or grease or grime you missed while washing.

Then insert the fork into your toaster.


Sampson Duckman’s Dream

Samson  was the last of the judges of the ancient Israelites mentioned in the Book of Judges in the Hebrew Bible (chapters 13 to 16) and one of the last of the leaders who “judged” Israel before the institution of the monarchy.

Impeached in the way that only judges can get away with. No one signing the death warrant. Silent and deadly. And I had no way to speak out, say my peace or give my side.

I sometimes dream that I would want to bring the whole system down, but I don’t have the power or the story. And there is no way to separate the good people who try so hard from the selfish, self-centered.

I went down and things got worse. Now we face authoritarianism, a monarchy supported by republicans. They got me. They will get anyone they want. Trump will not be removed and the next election will not be on the level.

Garden of Eden Surveillance

Who could have known that a reporter witnessed the exchange of the apple and the sex? Only the reporter knows the truth. Believe as you will, my source tells me that the serpent remained a bystander. Adam did not create Eve. She knew Adam was knowledge resistant. Wanting a better life for her and their kids, she made him partake of the tree of knowledge and then shared the apple and her womanly body with him. This version is not in Genesis, for good reasons. And God, assuming there is one, didn’t punish anyone for wanting to know more and fear less.