Paul Leaves Burlington with his Sister Mary

Paul’s sister Mary heard the cry for help. She has heard it before. Family’s get tired rescuing. She didn’t, appearing on Church Street on Sunday. He had slept on a grate, somewhere, before settling in the doorway in front of the sex shop. Cold. Bitterly cold.

She wore earrings. “Didn’t I make these for you?”

He actually can smile.

A cigarette together.

Not alone. Street resources kept eye on him. Helped make sure there was a bed. Mary made the arrangements.

Just a guy named Dustin. Also homeless. He serves in the National Guard. “They don’t help find you a home.” He gave Paul one of his blankets. Just threw it down.

Demons lurked everywhere.

Last beer. Traded for a ….

A bagel and a schmear. He used the container to spread it.

He stood up.

A little shakey.

Now you got it.

My hat.

A mess.

Quiet thanks.

“You did it, Paul. Big steps. Its all you.”

Author: duckshots

Lapsed lawyer. Reader. Photographer. Jewish. Strongly attached to loving, caring, wife-Sharon. Working at remaining relevant. Hoping that my body and mind outlive my dreams. Maybe something I blog will make some sense.

One thought on “Paul Leaves Burlington with his Sister Mary”

  1. Hello Paul,
    Its’ me! . I want you to know You are remembered and loved. Andrew is in West Seattle Washington. When he came back a second time he had come for a very different reason. He would’ve stayed if Lisa had helped him. Quiet Coyote was very deceptive. He used very harmful lies to Lisa which he said Andrew said of her. He has told me more than once that he hates Andrew and wants to kill him. That night when Andrew had his pocket knife stolen from him when he was asleep outside this summer and someone had beaten him with a bat on the leg so that he was not able to walk;…Well Paul…I and a few other people have spotted that same pocket knife in Coyote’s sword collection. And that night he never saw who done it. But I called him and asked him what the color/make was of that particular survival knife. It was accurate to that of Coyote’s collection. Paul-Do not give up!!!!!It is hard to be in the world and not be a part of the world- You are a servant of the Ancient of days; The Great Spirit Yahweh is upon you- Hold fast to your heart; For we live in the generation of great thinkers; NOT feelers of the heart way; ……The revolution for change in government has changed when the hearts of the people will get thier heads out of thier heads and put thier brains into heart.Its’ technology Paul. The Native American taught the white man to survive when he came to this land; Its become a very IMPERSONAL world…And I do not discriminate..But humans were not meant to stare at flat computers made of plastic wires for hours…Or material things or money or greed=the opposite of Love. [with thee exception of funds for everything we need and some of the things we want] Yes! We won a war together’ All of us, Brother Paul; Not just myself. But the time is coming soon when we will all gather together and fish for multitudes of souls who hunger for walking in Truth, fellowship… And Perfect Love. Tell the brothers we have a battle coming soon; I Love you all sooooo much! I am sad without the pleasure and blessing of your precious fellowship. Please tell Carl my heart is with him. I am ready for a revolutionary Spiritual battle which will indeed bring about a new era. By the way. Andrew is the direct Descendant of Chief Seattle. And Lisa was his Spiritual protector. So the scoop is that Andrew may return this summer. We all hope so. And the battle is; Lets’ get those 15,000 Native American treatise RE-ESTABLISHED and Let Justice and Love between all peoples reign. Thier recognition as a nation is important. They are the protectors of thewe Earth. As a nation recognized; The land and its’ imfirmities will be healed. And the minds of many will be freed; To start loving Mother Earth and one another.I have been given another gift from the Creator, Paul! Its called- Perfect harmony with anyone-on a personal level and public as well. I am thanking our Father in the heavens every day for Andrew and you as well; Paul. tell all the brothers I love them. And peace be with you. Blessed be his name~ Angel

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