Heisler Teaches Texture

So, I left this morning to school while the fog covered Greenfield.

So, I left in the mist, arriving in Turners Falls without visibility. Saw a classic–Steichen. Showed it to members of my class. One laughed it off.

Lindsay Adler lectured on fashion, social media and creativity. She made success sound reachable. Young, smart, creative and cute, she has arrived in the fashion capital of the world at an early enough time to make a mark and leave without any. Has control of her life at a time when many haven’t yet figure theirs out.

I told him I had a Steichen in his lecture. Told me I had to wait. He, too, didn’t see mine, butI’d be patient. At the break, I showed him my missed shots from Lindsay’s presentation. We remetered. “Don’t trust the meter always…trust your eye….” Then he metered the shot, showing me I was off from a tenth, which should have been a twenty-fifth or thirtieth. Much betta.

Author: duckshots

Lapsed lawyer. Reader. Photographer. Jewish. Strongly attached to loving, caring, wife-Sharon. Working at remaining relevant. Hoping that my body and mind outlive my dreams. Maybe something I blog will make some sense.

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