Mother and Child Reunion

Here is Sharon with our bear, Theodore, who she has had since she was a baby. I adopted him when we were married; Judge Archie Gorfinkel signed the papers. He has offered love and support many times and has had surgery to repair the ravages of aging. If anything happened to Theodore, Sharon would probably sit shiva.

So, how many kids have friends like Theodore whom they rely on in times of trouble? Look at the kids being shielded from the pain of the fires in CA or the devastation in Syria or Yemen. When grabbing for straws or the last vestiges of your homestead, you probably don’t reach for the family bear.

Think about making a donation of a bear or 200.

Author: duckshots

Lapsed lawyer. Reader. Photographer. Jewish. Strongly attached to loving, caring, wife-Sharon. Working at remaining relevant. Hoping that my body and mind outlive my dreams. Maybe something I blog will make some sense.

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