Blood Simple Again

In preparation for the Academy Awards, we went back to the Coen brothers first flick, Blood Simple. No question. It still works as well as any number of times I have seen it. That means that despite knowing what would happen, I still had a visceral reaction, maybe not as shocking as the first time (even good sex cannot live up to the first time), but still impressive.

I also played the commentary which accompanied the newly digitalized print. Very informative. For example, no original print exists, due to a fire at a warehouse. Lots of trick photography. For example, an upside down car in the opening sequence. Digital birds. Walrus on table has a history, too. Would like to know more about the photography in the movie.

Author: duckshots

Lapsed lawyer. Reader. Photographer. Jewish. Strongly attached to loving, caring, wife-Sharon. Working at remaining relevant. Hoping that my body and mind outlive my dreams. Maybe something I blog will make some sense.

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