Lance Richbourg, The Babe, and Me

My friend, artist Lance Richbourg, Professor Emeritus of Fine Art at St. Michael’s College, has been working on a picture of the Babe for several year. On three occaisons, he has taken a picture of me with his subject. He documents his progress with his work. At the same time, I age.

More interesting, consider the artist holding the camera. He looks at his own work, in his own studio, placing me in a space of his choosing in relation to his image. I give up control of the shot, somewhat, by allowing him to use my camera. He has posed and placed two subjects, one an icon, one a personal friend. This work is completed in a 60th of a second; the other, who knows?

Author: duckshots

Lapsed lawyer. Reader. Photographer. Jewish. Strongly attached to loving, caring, wife-Sharon. Working at remaining relevant. Hoping that my body and mind outlive my dreams. Maybe something I blog will make some sense.

8 thoughts on “Lance Richbourg, The Babe, and Me”

  1. Hello! I only wanted to thank you for your awesome engulfing story. Postings similar to this are a extremely perfect way to assist me in English, but I think I got the understanding ok šŸ™‚ Thanks again!

  2. I do not know if this is the son of Lance Richbourg who played ball from 1927-33 and if he is, whether he cares but we are a sports auction house and just got in a Lance Richbourg H&B game used signature model bat that was returned to the factory in 1929 by team mate earl clark and is so written on bat. We will be auctioning this bat in our sept. monthly auction or I can be contacted at 630-235-3345. Dave

  3. I can’t find the baseball page of Mr. Lance Richbourgs beautiful paintings on his website anymore. Can you help me. I just recently bought an autographed book of his paintings on Amazon but many of the ones that used to be on his website are not in the book and seem to have been taken off his website. Can you help me?

  4. I have lost contact with him. He lives in Burlington, at least the last time I saw him, he did. SABR may be able to put you in touch with him. His website might be down because he stopped teaching at St Mikes.

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